Northern Lights Eco Adventures
Discovering Blue & Green Trails
In the summer of 2018 Northern Lights Eco Adventures piloted our first day camp in the summer of 2016 as part of addressing our Gary's Miller Spotlight Education, Environment/Eco Tourism and Access Miller SMAART Goals. In 2018 our crew started its first Regional Service Expedition. It encompassed four nights and five days of expedition-based learning through the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore and Northwest Indiana. The campers started in Michigan City and ended at the Douglas Center in Gary. The campers backpacked/paddled/and biked through the dunes and beach while learning about the local ecosystems and natural history of the community. The students also participated in local service projects and community art projects. By the end of the trip the students created a goal with an action plan dedicated to an individualized service project committed to complete in their hometown. 2019 saw us do several day trips with partner organizations and win the American Planning Award. 2020 required us to take our camp online and conduct virtual tours of the region that our campers were able to explore from the safety of their homes during Covid-19. 2021 & 2022 we cohosted a day camp across NWI. 2023 will bring more virtual hikes and day camps. For more info on all our adventures please check out our Facebook and our blog!